Dyslexia Services


Discover your True Potential.


Evaluation Options

Dyslexia Screen

For parents who know there are issues going on, but are not sure what those issues are; a basic screen looks for weaknesses in core foundational language areas. Many of these core weaknesses are common for people processing information in a dyslexic manner. The dyslexia screen does not capture enough information for a diagnosis, and is NOT required prior to an assessment.

Plan to be at our office for approximately 2 ½ hours for this screen.

 In-person preferred and virtual options.


Diagnostic Evaluations

Our diagnostic evaluation is a complete standardized assessment of foundational and core language abilies. This evaluation is designed to find patterns of strengths and weaknesses in a student’s language profile, from which we can determine exactly what weaknesses are impairing learning. The evaluation will identify: dyslexia, expressive/receptive language, dysgraphia, and/or difficulties with processing speed, . A diagnosis, if applicable, will be classified as mild, moderate, severe or profound.

 Plan to be at our office for approximately 5-6 hours.

 In-person preferred and virtual options.


The path to success.


Dyslexia Remediation

Individual Sessions

Individual attention at all times for clients to maximize progress. For clients that pace quickly, or need to pace slowly, individual remediation is the best option.

Typical session length: 55 minutes

Virtual Sessions

Virtual sessions provide the same great progress and add convenience and feasibility for many families. We have been providing effective virtual remediation since 2016.

Typical session length: 55 minutes


What does dyslexia remediation look like?

Dyslexic processors need straightforward, explicit, and detailed instruction on the relationship of spoken sounds to the written symbols. An example is the sound /k/; the /k/ sound in English can be represented in a variety of ways when spelling: C, K, CK, CH and even QUE.